GPS Terry Fox Run – September 23

Grizzly Families

Gravenhurst Public School is excited to get back to routine events and rituals and we hope you’ll help us launch into this school year with a GROWL by supporting our Terry Fox Run on Friday, September 23.

This year, the theme for the run is “I Am Not a Quitter”.

We all know someone who has been impacted by cancer. This week, Grizzlies are being challenged to raise funds in support of Terry’s dream of a world without cancer.

If, as a school, we hit certain monetary levels students can school-wide rewards:
$200 – Ms. Diemert offered to dye her hair a funky colour
$500 – hat day
$750 – dress a teacher (ie: like when Mr. DeRose was dressed as Else)
$1000 – pie a teacher
$1500 – Slime the Principal
We will share the goals with students at our school-wide Monday Morning Circle in the gym and then let the fundraising begin!
If you’d like to donate to the cause, please give us a call at 705-687-2011 or visit

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Entry to school
8:48 - 8:50 a.m.
Block 1
8:50 - 10:50 a.m.
Nutrition break / recess
10:50 - 11:10 a.m.
Recess / nutrition break
11:10 - 11:30 a.m.
Block 2
11:30 a.m. - 1:10 p.m.
Nutrition break / recess
1:10 - 1:30 p.m.
Recess / nutrition break
1:30 - 1:50 p.m.
Block 3
1:50 - 3:10 p.m.
3:10 p.m.

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